Assistance to Principal Investigators
Research Ethics Readiness Support
Current Challenges in Research Ethics Application

Lack of clarity
Lack of understanding of ethics application
Resource constraints
We provide expertise and resource relief to Principal Investigators and Research Organisations by supporting the drafting and follow up of Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications until approval, therefore saving the PIs’ valuable time and enabling innovations to be deployed for clinical studies more efficiently.
This range of services is currently only available in Singapore. Every country has a different procedure for IRB applications.
Pre-Application Guidance and Support
The first step we support Principal Investigators is to gather pertinent information Needed for an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application on behalf of the PIs
Background information on proposed project
Study objectives(s)/ research question(s), current gaps/ limitations (related to the current standard of care)
Proposed clinical outcome measures/ endpoints
Details of the intervention/ proposed solution
Product brochure, instructions for use/ approved indication(s), how the solution will be used in the upcoming study, etc
Detailed study procedures
Experimental procedures, standard of care procedures, potential risks
Proposed study design
Type of study (pilot/ feasibility study/ randomized control trial/ pragmatic trial, etc)
Study population type and sample size required to test the solution
Inclusion and exclusion criteria, sample size calculation/ justification
Statistical analysis plan for collated study data
Study conduct operational details
Informed consent process, data collection and storage process, etc
Unsure if the study design meets requirements? Or unable to provide study design?
Access-2-Healthcare have in-house clinical specialists that can provide study design drafting if the endpoints and procedures are provided
Support in New Clinical Research Applications
We are supporting the PIs every step of the way
- Understanding enterprise needs
- Evaluation of certification necessities
- Point of contact (POC) between Principal Investigator (PI) and Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Pre-Filling of form with Principal Investigator (PI)
- Co-Drafting of Informed Consent Form (ICF) with Principal Investigator (PI)
- Cross-check protocol and application submission
- IE: Institutional Review Board (IRB) application form, Informed Consent Form (ICF) , data collection form
Support in Ongoing Research
- Amendments to existing Institutional Review Board (IRB) form where required
- Amendments to study protocol/ICF/data collection form
- Assistance with the submission of the current status of study, on-going compliance with regulations/ reporting of recruitment numbers
What Set Us Apart?